C. Firmat

Cyril Firmat


Cyril F

Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire Prairies et Plantes Fourragères (UR P3F)
INRA, RD 150, CS 80006
86600 Lusignan, France
Tel: (+33) 5 49 55 60 19
Fax: (+33) 5 49 55 60 68

Quelques publications récentes :

Médoc V., Firmat C., Sheath D.J., Pegg J., Andreou D., Britton J.R. (2017) Parasites and biological invasions: Predicting ecological alterations at levels from individual hosts to whole networks. Advances in Ecological Research: In press.

Firmat C., Alibert P., Mutin G., Losseau M., Pariselle A., Sasal P. (2016) A case of complete loss of gill parasites in the invasive cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus. Parasitology Research 115(9): 3657-3661.

Firmat C., Lozano Fernandez I.,  Agusti J., Bolstad G. H. Cuenca-Bescos G., Hansen T. F., Pélabon C.  (2014)  Walk the line: 600 000 years of molar evolution constrained by allometry in the fossil rodent Mimomys savini. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 369: 20140057.

Pélabon C., Firmat C. Bolstad G.H., Voje K.L., Houle D., Cassara J., Le Rouzic A., Hansen T.F. (2014) Evolution of morphological allometry. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences – The Year of Evolutionary Biology. 1320: 58-75.

Firmat C., Alibert P., Losseau M., Baroiller J.-F., Schliewen U.K. (2013) Successive invasion-mediated interspecific hybridizations and population structure in the endangered cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus. PLoS ONE 8 (5): e63880.

Firmat C., Schliewen U.K., Losseau M., Alibert P. (2012) Body shape differentiation at global and local geographic scales in the invasive cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105 (2): 369-381.