P. Barre

Philippe Barre



Unité de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire Prairies Plantes Fouragères (UR P3F)

INRAE, RD150, CS80006

86600 Lusignan, France

Tel: (+33) 5 49 55 61 16


Date of birth: 07/10/1971 at Talence (33) France

Married, 2 children

Since 1998: Research engineer in molecular breeding of forage species
at INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Poitiers
In charge of the bio-chemistry lab


1995: Engineer in agronomy of Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (ENSA.M Montpellier SupAgro), speciality: Genetic resources and plant breeding. INA PG, ENSA.M, Université Paris VI, Université Paris XI

1997: PhD at ORSTOM (IRD) : Genes transfer between diploid coffee species: a study of hybrids between  C. pseudozanguebariae Bridson and C. liberica Bull ex. Hiern (C. dewevrei De Wild et Th. Dur).


1999-2000: One year at the University of Berkeley (California) in the lab of M. Freeling. SSR markers development with the rice genomic sequence and expression of the transposase in different grasses.

2012: Four months at IBERS (Wales) with L. Huang and I. Armstead. Analysis of sequences from perennial ryegrass and tall fescue amplicons.

2014: One Month at the University of Aahrus (Denmark) with T. Asp. Analysis of GBS data in perennial ryegrass.

Research themes:

-          Use of molecular markers to improve breeding of forage species: QTL identification in bi-parental and multi-parental families, association genetics and genomic selection.

-          Traits of interest:

  • Aerial morphogenesis in perennial ryegrass: leaf growth, tiller number and reproductive investment. Influence of cutting frequency and light. How to maximise yield and persistency in different management systems.
  • Summer dormancy and leaf growth in cocksfoot: how to combine forage production and survival under climates with severe summer drought.

Voir aussi

Date de modification : 14 septembre 2023 | Date de création : 10 août 2012 | Rédaction : BJ